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    Burn out recovery package

    €795,00 €1.186,25
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    Burn out recovery package

    Burn out recovery kit

    The burn out recovery package consists of a combination of supplements and exercises that boost your endocannabinoid system. It supports your overall well-being and sleep. In addition, you will learn simple but life-changing exercises that will reset your nervous system and give you the energy you need to recover.

    A full recovery from burnout can take months and sometimes years
 As we are asked to do more and more-everything has to be better, more perfect and faster-this package focuses on life-changing habits that bring more life energy, relaxation and peace. Both physically and in your head.

    The supplements in this package are a temporary solution, but the exercises you learn will last you a lifetime. Exercises that can prevent relapse.


    What does the burn out recovery package consist of?

    5x Knockout pack

    4x Daily Balance CBD 10ml – 4% (400mg)

    3x Ultima Bio CBD 10ml – 2% (200mg)

    2x CBD sleeping oil 10ml – 5% (500mg)

    2x CBD relaxation patches with lavender essential therapy – 30 pieces x 15mg (450mg)

    1x CBG oil 10ml – 3% (300mg)

    1x CBD sleeping patches – 24 pieces x 15mg (360mg)

    1x The book ‘The wim hof method’ – (In this book you will discover different ways to relax. With various exercises that you can start working with immediately).

    1x One year access to the meditation moments app – (an app in which you learn to meditate and discover the power of breathing), 50+ hours of relaxation music, 100+ meditations to sleep, for relaxation, to calm your mind and to recharge so you get the energy you had.

    1x Quick and personal contact for questions, via whatsapp, for 6 months.

    1x Plasticised card with explanations on how to use the products and what dosages to use in order to get the best results from the package


    How does the burn out recovery package work?

    We believe that good and fast recovery happens through relaxation, rest and good sleep.

    This package consists of supplements and exercises that support relaxation, rest and good sleep for 6 months.

    You will receive a laminated card explaining how to use the products and how to use the meditation moments app.


    Below I briefly explain each product and what the 6 months of supplement use look like.


    Brief explanation per product

    Month one, two and three:

    Knockout – 5x good sleep

    Knock out works on your natural GABA receptors that provide rest and relaxation in our bodies. This is one of our most ordered products. After using it, customers report being more relaxed, having peaceful thoughts and sleeping better.

    Use: 1 bottle twice a week, every Monday and Thursday. To get through the weeks in peace. Knockout has a slow onset of action, so we recommend taking it about 7 hours before your normal bedtime.


    Daily Balance CBD – 4% (400mg)

    Daily Balance CBD is a full-spectrum CBD rich in various terpenes. Curcumin is also added to promote overall health. Daily Balance is our most ordered CBD product across Europe along with Knock Out.

    Like Ultima Bio, this is a water-soluble CBD that is absorbed up to 10 times better than traditional CBD. However, this is 4%, which can therefore be compared to a 40% CBD oil.

    Use: Shake well before use. Every morning and afternoon, 1 dose in a glass of water or tea. Stir and drink up.


    Ultima Bio CBD – 2% (200mg)

    Ultima Bio is a water-soluble CBD with melatonin. Traditional CBD oil is only absorbed at 6-12%. The rest of the CBD is often burnt before it can make a difference. Due to our active+ formula, this water-soluble CBD is up to 10 times more effective and 100% absorbed. This CBD therefore has a high bioavailability.

    The effectiveness of this 2% CBD is comparable to a 20% CBD oil. The melatonin is also a perfect supplement for supporting sleep.

    Use: On days when you do NOT use Knock Out. Always shake extra GOOD before use. When using for the first time, press hard once to release from the lock. Pump twice in a glass with water before going to bed. Stir and drink.


    Month four and five:

    CBD sleeping oil – 5% (500mg)

    This CBD sleep oil is a full-spectrum CBD oil and has a unique, relaxing terpene profile. This oil has therefore been specially developed to support sleep.

    Usage: Always shake well before use, 4-5 drops under the tongue before going to sleep. Leave for 120 seconds for optimal recording.


    CBD sleeping plaster with lavender essential therapy – 30 pieces x 15mg (450mg)

    Traditionally, the lavender plant has been known to have a relaxing and calming effect. When the olfactory system detects the scent of lavender, you feel at peace. Lavender is calming, soothing and helps with depression. This in combination with CBD makes this a powerful sleep/relaxation patch. The CBD gives off up to 36 hours of CBD so even while you sleep you experience the magical properties of CBD.

    Application: Before going to sleep, stick a plaster on a non-haired area. Preferably, inside upper arm. After sticking, press firmly. Combine with CBD sleeping oil.


    Month six:

    CBG dream oil – 3% (300mg)

    Cannabigerol (CBG) is also known as the stem cell of all cannabinoids. CBG arises first in the plant and later, during the growth process, it changes into other cannabinoids such as CBD, CBN etc. CBG is said to promote positive dreams and we regularly get this feedback from our customers. Our dream oil is a full-spectrum CBG oil and we believe that the CBG in your body is converted into the cannabinoid that your body needs at that moment.

    Use: Always shake well before use, 7-8 drops under the tongue before going to sleep, leave for 120 seconds for optimal absorption.


    CBD sleeping patch

    These patches are an effective and pleasant way to absorb CBD into your body, avoid the vegetable taste of CBD in your mouth. CBD patches are regularly combined with the CBG dream oil. The patches can release CBD for up to 36 hours, so even while you sleep you can enjoy the magical effects of CBD.

    Application: Before going to sleep, stick a plaster on a non-haired area. Preferably, inside upper arm. After sticking, press firmly. Combine with CBG dream oil.


    Daily use, months one to six.

    The book ‘The Wim Hof Method

    In this book you will learn all about breathing, about the pitfalls and the negative consequences of breathing too fast. But also the enormous progression/profit to be gained physically and mentally when you adapt your learned breathing habits.

    The book offers clear and simple methods. But also tips that will allow you to immediately apply the knowledge gained in the book to the coming months and even to the rest of your life. This book has a life-changing function.

    Many positive reviews of this book show that after following the tips, you feel less agitated/stressed almost immediately.


    The meditation app Meditation Moments

    After ordering you will immediately receive an e-mail with your account details and a link to download the app.

    Meditation is one of the ways to find peace within yourself during a burn-out and can therefore be an important part of your burn-out treatment.

    By scheduling a moment of meditation for yourself every day, you learn to relax better and better. Meditating helps against the restlessness in your body, but also helps you to experience more clarity and peace in your mind.

    And you don’t have to be a meditation guru to do it! Anyone can meditate, really anyone. You do not need any special tools, previous knowledge or an Indian robe (with matching bead necklace and incense sticks).

    All you have to do is claim a quiet place in your home, schedule a meditation moment (e.g. in the morning after getting up or in the evening before going to sleep) and sit or lie down in peace with your eyes closed.

    The minutes that follow are all yours and are used to breathe in and out quietly and settle into the moment. You don’t have to do anything. At some moments you have had it after two minutes and at other moments you can sit in complete peace and quiet for half an hour. It is all good!

    In the meditation app Meditation Moments you can find meditations for every moment of the day, with or without guidance.

    In almost all meditations you can choose between different lengths. Would you like to meditate for 5, 10 or 15 minutes? Then you can simply indicate this and the meditation will automatically stop after the indicated minutes. In this way, you never meditate shorter or longer than intended.

    There are also great music tracks (50+ hours) in the app that are not only great to relax to, but you can also put on as background music or when you need to focus on a task. You can completely cut yourself off from the world for a while!


    11 benefits of meditating.

    1. Improved concentration

    2. Relieves stress

    3. Less anxiety

    4. Helps you sleep better

    5. Can relieve depression

    6. Less lonely

    7. Improves memory

    8. Increase compassion

    9. Relieves chronic pain

    10. Reducing blood pressure

    11. Stronger immune system


    How long does the burn out recovery package last?

    The package is designed for 6 months of recovery.

    That amounts to an investment of EUR 5.27 per day.


    Why order at SleepBD?

    1. Fast, personal and good contact for questions or comments.
    2. Organic CBD products, close to nature and at a fair price.
    3. All our products are produced under ISO 22000 certification.
    4. Unique CBD products, in terms of absorption, effectiveness and terpene profiles.
    5. Honest and personal advice on your situation.


    Do you have a guarantee?

    We guarantee that if you continue as you are now, there will be no change in the quality of your sleep, energy and life.

    We also guarantee that our products are organically grown with a high concentration of CBD, are laboratory tested, contain the greatest variety of relaxing terpenes and are unique in their effectiveness. Finally, we guarantee that you will not find the price/quality that we offer anywhere.



    Do you still have questions or are things unclear? Let us know at hello@sleepbdofficial.com OR call us +31 6 149 860 71

    Customer Reviews

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    CBD Àr en förkortning för cannabidiol. En av över 100+ naturligt förekommande cannabinoidföreningar som finns i marijuana och hampa.

    Du kÀnner förmodligen till THC, som Àr den mest kÀnda föreningen i marijuana.

    CBD, som Àr den nÀst vanligaste cannabinoiden i marijuana och den frÀmsta icke-psykoaktiva cannabinoiden som finns i hampa, har dock fÄtt stor uppmÀrksamhet i forskarvÀrlden och media pÄ grund av sina hÀlsofördelar.

    Till skillnad frÄn THC Àr CBD inte psykoaktivt. Med andra ord Àr det inte det som ger dig en hög eller stenad kÀnsla.

    Source 1.

    Kort och enkelt, nej.

    Studier har visat att Àven höga halter av CBD inte ger en hög eller stenad kÀnsla.

    Alla vÄra hampextraktprodukter Àr tillverkade av industrihampa med THC-nivÄer under 0,05 %. Det finns ingen berusande effekt av att ta vÄra produkter.

    Source 1.

    Ja, det Àr fortfarande sÀkert att köra bil. CBD pÄverkar inte din reaktionstid.

    En studie visar att det efter intag inte fanns nÄgon förvÀntad minskning av reaktionstiden hos de flesta testpersoner.

    Med tanke pÄ denna slutsats kan vi inte rekommendera denna produkt som ett lÀmpligt medel för att uppnÄ snabbare eller lÄngsammare reaktioner pÄ ett visuellt stimulus som sedan skulle kunna anvÀndas inom olika sporter eller vid bilkörning.


    En studie visar att det inte fanns nÄgon förvÀntad minskning av reaktionstiden hos de flesta försökspersoner efter intag.

    Med tanke pÄ denna slutsats kan vi inte rekommendera denna produkt som ett lÀmpligt medel för att uppnÄ snabbare eller lÄngsammare reaktioner pÄ ett visuellt stimulus som sedan skulle kunna anvÀndas inom olika sporter eller vid bilkörning.


    DÄ varje person Àr unik Àr det svÄrt att faststÀlla ett förutbestÀmt mÄtt som Àr perfekt för alla.

    För att ta reda pÄ vad rÀtt dos CBD Àr mÄste du helt enkelt börja ta det.

    Turligtvis Àr CBD helt sÀkert och kommer aldrig att orsaka farliga eller oönskade effekter vid överdosering. Men logiskt och ekonomiskt sett finns det ingen anledning att konsumera mer Àn nödvÀndigt.

    Den första dosen beror pÄ den valda produkten. Vi rekommenderar alltid att man börjar med den lÀgsta dos som anges pÄ etiketten. Detta ger den minsta mÀngd CBD som krÀvs för att uppleva de magiska effekterna av CBD.

    Inte sÀker pÄ vilket meddelande du ska ta?

    Vi ger dig gÀrna rÄd om alla vÄra CBD-produkter.

    Du kan kontakta oss hÀr, ringa oss pÄ +31 6 149 860 71 (vi talar nederlÀndska, engelska och tyska) eller skicka e-post till hello@sleepbdofficial.com dÀr vi kan svara pÄ frÄgor pÄ alla sprÄk.

    Som med alla Àmnen kan du ta mer CBD Àn vad din kropp klarar av. Studier visar att doser pÄ upp till 1 500 milligram per dag har tolererats vÀl, men varje person Àr olika.


    NÀr du tar en medicin eller annan substans mÄste din kropp metabolisera den, eller bryta ner den. LÀkemedelsmetabolismen sker i hela kroppen, t.ex. i tarmen, men levern gör ocksÄ en stor del av jobbet.

    En familj av enzymer som kallas cytochrome P450 (CYP450)Trusted Sourcegör det viktiga arbetet att omvandla frÀmmande Àmnen sÄ att de lÀtt kan elimineras frÄn kroppen.

    Men vissa lÀkemedel eller Àmnen pÄverkar CYP450, antingen genom att bromsa eller pÄskynda lÀkemedelsmetabolismen. Denna förÀndring i metaboliseringshastighet kan Àndra hur din kropp bearbetar de lÀkemedel eller kosttillskott du tar - dÀrav en lÀkemedelsinteraktion.

    Enzymfamiljen CYP450 Àr ansvarig för att metabolisera flera cannabinoider, inklusive CBD, forskningen visar. CYP3A4, ett viktigt enzym inom CYP450-familjen, utför denna uppgift. Men under denna process stör CBD ocksÄ CYP3A4.

    Enzymet CYP3A4 ansvarar för att metabolisera ca  60 procentav kliniskt förskrivna mediciner. Men om CBD hÀmmar CYP3A4 kan det inte fungera lika effektivt för att bryta ner medicinerna i ditt system.

    Det omvÀnda kan ocksÄ hÀnda. MÄnga lÀkemedel hÀmmar CYP3A4. Om du sedan tar CBD medan du stÄr pÄ dessa mediciner kan din kropp inte arbeta för att bearbeta CBD lika effektivt.

    Om din kropp metaboliserar ett lÀkemedel för lÄngsamt kan du ha mer lÀkemedel i ditt system vid ett tillfÀlle Àn vad som Àr avsett - Àven om du har hÄllit dig till din normala dos. En ökad nivÄ av ett lÀkemedel i ditt system kan överdriva dess effekter, inklusive oönskade eller skadliga biverkningar.

    Vissa Àmnen pÄskyndar ocksÄ CYP450-enzymfamiljens arbete. Om din kropp metaboliserar ett lÀkemedel för snabbt pÄ grund av att en annan substans inducerar enzymerna, kan det hÀnda att du inte har tillrÀckligt med lÀkemedel i ditt system samtidigt för att behandla ett hÀlsoproblem.

    Om du vill prova CBD som tillÀggsbehandling för att lindra symtomen pÄ ett visst tillstÄnd, prata med din lÀkare om det först.

    Och Àven om vÄra produkter uppfyller den federalt föreskrivna THC-grÀnsen pÄ 0,05 % THC i torrvikt finns det en liten chans att det kommer att synas, men det betyder att ett positivt test Àr möjligt.

    Drogtester Àr inte enhetliga, och THC-tröskeln som skulle ge ett positivt resultat Àr strÀngare i vissa tester Àn andra.

    checkShipping & Delivery

    We ship to all countries, except to sanctioned and high-risk countries (e.g. Afghanistan, China, Indonesia or North Korea). See the complete list at https://uit.stanford.edu/security/travel/high-risk-countries 

    Netherlands: 1-3 busines days after shipping.

    Belgium: 1-5 business days after shipping.

    Germany: 1-5 business days after shipping.

    French: 1-5 business days after shipping.

    Sweden: 1-5 business days after shipping.

    Spain: 1-5 business days after shipping.

    Denmark: 1-5 business days after shipping.

    Finland: 1-5 business days after shipping.

    *We ship your order on the same day of receiving it.

    United States: 6-10 business days after shipping.

    United Kingdom: 3-6 business days after shipping.

    Canada: 6-10 business days after shipping.

    *We ship your order on the same day of receiving it.

    Your order will always have a track & trace code, you'll automatically receive the code after we ship your order.

    Via the track & trace page you can see the status of your order.


    Hittade du inte ditt svar?

    Skicka ett e-postmeddelande till hello@sleepbdofficial.com eller ring oss pÄ +31 6 149 860 71.


    +31 6 149 860 71

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